Information Centre
Information Centre
The college has established a separate Information Cell by installing 20 computers with broad band Internt faculty. Students can have access to Law software such as Manupatra Law Super, Supreme today other websites relating to law. This facility will give an opportunity to students to browse information relating to Legal Knowledge. We also are planning to avial services of persons who are well versed in Legal ProcessOutsourcing (L.P.P.)
Digital English Language Laboratory
Digital English Language Lab is an audio-visual installation used as an aid in modern language teaching. The college has availed 17 personal computers for students to get acquainted with communication and soft skills. Digital language lab is unique state of of solution developed to improve the communication skills, oral and written skills of student.
Language Laboratory Physical Facilities
- Specific Assignments to Students
- Self-Learning Exercises
- Two way communication and Interactive learning Broadcasting via Text and Voice Mode
- Content Development
- Lesson creator – Text, Audio, Video Lessons
- Text to speech / Pronunciation
- Group Discussion
- Enriching Soft Skills