
He was a practicing lawyer inMumbai High Coiurt &Court, Ahmednagar before joining his alma-mater as Asstt. Professor in June1996 in New Law College,A’nagar. Later he joined as a judge in Co-operative Court in 2000 and till June 2002 when he returned his duties by rejoining the college. He participated in many seminars and conferences. He is a Member Secretary
of Legal Aid Clinic and Adhar Kaydyacha. He has coordinated Seminars & Workshops in the college.
His teaching interest includes Family Law, Cooperative Law, I.P.R., Arbitration & Conciliation,Interpretation of Statues, Business Law, Forensic Science and Criminal investigation, Environmental Law, International Law. He has authored ‘Encyclopedia of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act. 1960 3rd edition 2007 published by C.T.J. Publication, Pune and also author of “Right to
Information Act”.

He practiced as an Advocate from 1 9 9 0 t o 1 9 9 6 i n Ahmednagar Dist. Court as junior to Justice S.B. Mhase Patil Former Judge Of Mumbai High Court. During that period he also worked as part time Lecturer before joining his Alma-mater as lecturer in 1996. He was in-charge Principal of this college during 2006-2007. He is a member of College Development Committee. He conducted various Seminars & Workshops in the college. His teaching
subjects include Law of Contracts, Labour Laws, Indian Legal History, Indian Penal Code, Drafting, Pleading and Conveyancing, Criminology, Social
Security Legislation, Constitutional Law. At present, he is chief Examination officer of the college.

Joined as Administrative staff of this college in the year 1974 and Joined in Dept. of LibraryScience as Librarian Since1984. He is instrumental in developing the Library of New Law College, as one of best Libraries in the Pune University area. Working as a counsellor of YCMOU Nasik, BLIS, MLIS courses since 2000. Every year 5 students completed M.Lib.Sci. Projects
under his supervision. Participated in seminars for Law Librarians. He has undertaken Minor Research Project of Pune University (UGC) on the topic
entitled “Public Legal information needs of the citizens”. He has been awarded Ph.d degree by Y.C.M.O.U. Nashik 17/4/2014. His theme of Research is “Role of Libraries in creating Legal information awareness among rural people in perspectives ofcommunication”.

He joined as a lecturer in English in the year 1996 and thus has a
long teaching experience of 23 years. His areas of specialization is English Language and Communication Skills. He had been Personal Assistant to Minister for Ports & Fisheries and Guardian Minister of A.Nagar Distcit during 2002 to 2005 in Mantralaya on deputation. He has presented research papers in many seminars & conferences and also remained as Resource Person. Besides organizing seminars, he presented a research paper in International
Conference on English Language held at Dubai in 2015. Presently, he is pursuing Ph.D. Degree in SRTM Uni. Nanded. He has also authored a book on ‘English for Law & Competitive Exams’ published by Hind Law House, Pune. Recently, he has been awarded prestigious ‘Bharat Vidya Ratna’ by International Business Council, New Delhi. He is the President of S.P.Pune University Teachers Organisation in the local unit.

He Joined as teaching faculty in the year 2003. He has completed Minor Research Project of Pune University (B.C.U.D.) on topic entitled ‘Limitations for imposition of accountability on judiciary in cases of delayed justice’. He has presented research paper in State as well as in National seminars. He is co-ordinator of moot-court Association and Student welfare. He is counselor Y.C.M.O.U. Nasik, member of Savitribai phule Pune University Local Inspection committee. His teaching interest include Torts & consumer protection Law, Land laws, Arbitration & conciliation, Administrative law, Transfer of Property Law, Law of contracts, International Human Rights. Co-operative Law, Constitutional Law. He was awarded Ph.d. by Savitribai phule Pune University for his thesis, An Appraisal of Judicial System in india: a Critical Study of Judicial independence Vias-a-and has published his thesis in the from of book having ISBN number. Recently, he has been placed as an Associate Professor.

He is qualified in NET as well as SET examination conducted by UGC & University of Pune respectively. He is former student of this college. He joined as teaching faculty in his alma mater in the year 2008. His teaching interests include Law of Contracts, Law of Torts, Administrative Law Constitutional Law etc. He is Co-ordinator of IQAC in the College. He is awarded P.hd. degree by Savitribai Phule University of Pune on 10th Jan. 2015 on the topic, ‘Right to Health as basic human right, Role of Judiciary.’

He practiced as an Advocate in the District court Ahmednagar. He is qualified in NET (UGC) and joined as teaching faculty in his alma mater in the year 2006. He has presented research paper entitled ‘Child in Conflict with law’ in State level seminar held at Pune. His teaching interests include Jurisprudence, Law of Crimes Criminology & Penology, Administrative Law, Arbitration & conciliation, Law of Contracts. He is Programme Officer of NSS Unit.

He Joined as full time teaching faculty in the year 2004 and regularized in June 2010. His teaching interests include Family Law, Transfer of Property, Criminology etc.

He joined the Department of Physical Education in the year 1988. His specialized Sport is Kabbaddi. He is a Member of Board of Sports, Mahatma Phule
Krishi Vidyapeeth Rahuri and Jt. Secretary of Maharashtra State Kabbaddi Association, Mumbai and also Secretary of Ahmednagar District Kabbaddi Association. He is also Vice-President of Ahmednagar District Athletics Association. It is a proud privilege that he has been awarded ‘Shree Shivchhtrapati Puraskar’ by Govt. of Maharashtra for rendering his dedication towards sports

She has vast experience of teaching the subject Sociology since 2013. She chiefly keeps interest in teaching with dealing society in India. It is worth to
mention that she has keen interest in resolving the various problems occurring before girl students while securing education. She also deals with curricular and extra curricular activities enthusiastically organised by the college time to time. Moreover, she has also attended state and national level seminars and conferences.

He has joined teaching profession in the year 2014. Since 2016, he has been teaching the subject Political Science at undergraduate level in AJMVPS.
He joined New Law College in the year 2018 where he is rendering academic excellence & has outstanding pursuit of recent political developments at state,
national and international level. His teaching interest is mainly in western political thoughts. He has also presented research papers in various state and national level seminars and workshops. Apart from this, he is pursuing Ph.D. degree in S.P.Pune University on commonly discussed issue – Center and State
Relationship. He has keen interest in handling curricular and co-curricular activities

Qualified UGC- NET exam in economics, Graduated in E& TC. started teaching career in 2013. at engineering college. Completed PG in Master in Personnel Management equivalent to MBA-HR from SPPU. also have Master degree in M.A. Economics. He have vast experience in Competitive exam.He encourage students for competitive exam preparation.attended workshop on UGC-NET & Economics.

He joined as full time lecturer for LL.M. on Sep. 2014 . He worked on managerial post for 16 years in reputed company before joining. His teaching interest include corporate law, criminal law, Interpretation of statutes. He is co-ordinator for AlumniAssociation.

She has worked as Teaching Associate in Department of Law, University of Pune. She has joined as a full time faculty in 2011 for LL.M. Course. She has also qualified NETExam during the same year. She has participated in ten days Programme on Law Teaching and Research, organized by Madhav Menon’s Institute of continuing Legal Education in Nirma University, Ahmedabad. She has also presented research papers in National as well as
International Seminars. Her teaching interests include, Medical Laws, Biotechnology Law, Constitutional law and Judicial Transformation. Presently she is pursuing PH.D. degree in S.P.Pune University

She practiced as an Advocate in Labour & Industrial Court Ahmednagar. During that period she also worked as visiting faculty before joining her Alma-mater as lecturer in 2011. She is coordinator of Women Welfare Cell. Her teaching interests include Law, Social Transformation and Judicial Process in India, Research Methodology,Administrative law, Company Law, Information
Technology Law, Business Law

She is an Assistant Professor in this college since last two years. She has keen interest in teaching Civil Procedure Code, Environmental Law, Criminal Minor Act. she was a practising lawyer in Pune and Ahmednagar District Courts nearly for 12 year.