Core Values
Core Values
Our institution is fully aware that throughout the world, higher education institutions are functioning in a dynamic environment. In India also, the institutions of higher education are facing many challenges and are undergoing significant changes from time to time. Moreover, as there is a need to expand the system of higher education, the impact of technology on the educational delivery, the increasing private participation in higher education and the impact of globalization (including liberal cross-border and trans-border educational imperatives), this have necessitated such marked changes in the Indian higher education scenario. Therefore, these changes and the consequent shift in values have been taken into cognizance by our institution on the basis of the core values which are formulated by the NAAC.
The functions and activities undertaken by our institute that reflect the core value of NAAC are summarized below –
Contributing to National Development
We glad to make you know that our institution has a remarkable capacity to adapt to changes, and at the same time pursue the goals and objectives those have set forth by our institution. Contributing to National Development has always been an implicit goal of our institution. Our institution have a significant role in human resource development and capacity building of individuals, to cater to the needs of the economy, society and the country as a whole, thereby contributing to the development of the Nation. Serving the cause of social justice, ensuring equity, and increasing access to higher education are a few ways by which our institution can contribute to the National Development. It is therefore appropriate to highlight how our institution is responding and contributing towards National Development –
• Our college was established in the year 1970 in Ahmednagar city which was only one Law college in Ahmednagar District of which more than 50 % area is hilly one. Since its inception, we produced number of budding Lawyers and judicial officers. Which are serving the needs of the society. Simultaneously our college attempted to create legal awareness and civic sense among the masses.
• The alumni, faculty of our college presently serving as judge of High Court and also in subordinate judiciary on different positions, public prosecutor and government pleaders as well as law officer in public and private sector.
• Some of our alumini secured postings and entered into the administrative departments, forest and police department through MPSC and UPSC.
• It is our pride to mention here that some of our alumini entered in to social service and offered their services for the betterment of the society in the capacity of Member of Parliament, Member of Legislative Assembly and Member of Cabinet Ministry and various local bodied such as Municipal Corporation Zilla Parishad.
• Most of successful lawyers and the judges are products of our college though it is situated in rural area in comparison with the National Law Schools system of which their products joined Multinational Companies and Law Firm instead of practicing law at Courts.
• Our college not merely carrying curricular activities but also deeply involved in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities for the welfare and betterment of students and the society.
• Our college run free Legal Aid Clinic and offers the services to the society by organizing legal literacy camp, Free legal Aid camp and Free legal Advice to the needy people.
• Our college also made efforts to develop civic sense and awareness though its National Service Scheme Unit in a rural area by organization Special Winter Camp for a period of ten days.
• It also organizing driving license camp in association with RTO, Ahmednagar, Blood Donation Camp in association with government Civil Hospital. Village cleanliness drive in adopted village, it also organizing tree plantation, ‘HAGANDARI MUKTA GAON ABHIYAN’ and so on.
• The civic sense and awareness is also effectively created by cultural activities through NSS volunteers. Besides this our college have Student Welfare Committee which look in to the day to day difficulties of the students and thereby maximum welfare is achievement by way of implementing Earn and Learn Scheme, Remedial coaching to the academically weak student, Personality development programme.
• Moreover, with the financial assistance of UGC the Remedial Classes were conducted for backward students since last seven years. Our college constituted number of Cells for overall development of the students such as Book Bank scheme, Anti-ragging cell, Women Welfare Cell and so on.
• The above maintained co-curricular and extra-curricular activity made it clear that our college contributing its various services to the students and the society in the larger interest of the nation.
Fostering Global Competencies among the Students
We know the spiraling developments at the global level also warrants that the institution should emphases on assessment and skill development of students, on par with their counterparts elsewhere. Further we know that with liberalization and globalization of economic activities, the need to develop skilled human resources of a high caliber is imperative. Consequently, the demand for internationally acceptable standards in higher education is evident. Therefore, our institution realized our role in preparing the students to achieve core competencies, to face the global requirements successfully. In this regard the institution tries to bring an innovative, creative and entrepreneurial approach in the students and to ensure skill development amongst them. Towards achieving this, our institution has been establishing the collaborations with industries, network with the neighbourhood agencies/bodies and fosters a closer relationship between the “world of skilled work” and the “world of competent-learning”.
Thus to ensure global competency among the students, our college continuously and consistently taken efforts with objects to enable the students to face the challenge of 21st Century. The following are the efforts are worthy to mention –
• Our college opened the information centre with 20 computers with broadband connectivity and thereby given them an opportunity to have an access to the knowledge available globally.
• Our college also installed the different law softwares such as Law Super, Manupatra, Supreme Court cases online. The knowledge thrust of the student sub-served by providing ENLIST (INFLBINET) therein the students given access to the national and international journals of all disciplines.
• Besides this within curriculum set up of university, number of the new subjects introduced in three year and five year law course as well as PG and Diploma courses. In 2003 the subject like Intellectual Property Law, International Trade Laws, Environmental Law, Arbitration and Conciliation (International Arbitration Law), introduced for three years and five year course. Our college also started PG, Diploma and Certificate course in the last five years, such as Certificate Course in Forensic Science and Medical Jurisprudence.
• Certificate Course Cyber Security and Diploma in Alternate Dispute Resolution which open the new horizon of knowledge and skill to the students enable them to face the new challenges of the changing world. Besides the college constituted Career and Counseling Cell, Competitive Examination guidance Cell, Equal opportunity center where the students provided the required advice and guidance to ensure their over all development.
• Considering the need of skill and the knowledge required for employment our college organized programme of soft skill, personality development and so on.

Inculcating Value System In the Students
Although skill development is crucial to the success of students in the job market, skills are of less value in the absence of appropriate value systems. So we know that we being a law institution have to shoulder the responsibility of inculcating the desirable value systems amongst the students. In a country like India, with cultural pluralities and diversities, it is essential that students imbibe the appropriate values commensurate with social, cultural, economic and environmental realities, at the local, national and universal levels. Whatever be the pluralities and diversities that exist in the country, there is no scope for debate about inculcating the core universal values like truth and righteousness apart from other values emphasized in the various policy documents of the country. We know that the seeds of values sown in the early stages of education, mostly aimed at cooperation and mutual understanding, have to be reiterated and re-emphasized, through appropriate learning experiences and opportunities. Therefore, we are taken efforts to inculcate these essential and desirable values in the students of our institution as given below –
• The Women Cell actively involves to encourage the girl students to learn and understand our great Indian culture of equality,
• Student Welfare Officer conducts programme like Personality Development for girl students based on values which helps the girl students to develop their personality, encourage the girl students to participate in Nirbhay Kanya Abhiyan organized by the sister institution to aware the girl students about self help.
• Equal Opportunity Center encourages the fellow feeling among the students. Takes efforts to encourage the students to come our from the barriers of cast, religion, regionalism and so on.
These are the units indoctrinates the value system to make the students good and moral citizens.
Inculcating Value System In the Students
Although skill development is crucial to the success of students in the job market, skills are of less value in the absence of appropriate value systems. So we know that we being a law institution have to shoulder the responsibility of inculcating the desirable value systems amongst the students. In a country like India, with cultural pluralities and diversities, it is essential that students imbibe the appropriate values commensurate with social, cultural, economic and environmental realities, at the local, national and universal levels. Whatever be the pluralities and diversities that exist in the country, there is no scope for debate about inculcating the core universal values like truth and righteousness apart from other values emphasized in the various policy documents of the country. We know that the seeds of values sown in the early stages of education, mostly aimed at cooperation and mutual understanding, have to be reiterated and re-emphasized, through appropriate learning experiences and opportunities. Therefore, we are taken efforts to inculcate these essential and desirable values in the students of our institution as given below –
• The Women Cell actively involves to encourage the girl students to learn and understand our great Indian culture of equality,
• Student Welfare Officer conducts programme like Personality Development for girl students based on values which helps the girl students to develop their personality, encourage the girl students to participate in Nirbhay Kanya Abhiyan organized by the sister institution to aware the girl students about self help.
• Equal Opportunity Center encourages the fellow feeling among the students. Takes efforts to encourage the students to come our from the barriers of cast, religion, regionalism and so on.
These are the units indoctrinates the value system to make the students good and moral citizens.

Promoting the Use of Technology
Most of the significant developments that one can observe today, can be attributed to the impact of Science and Technology. While the advantages of using modern tools and technological innovations in the day-to-day-life are well recognized, the corresponding changes in the use of new technologies, for teaching – learning and governance of institution, leaves much to be desired. We know that the Technological advancement and innovations in educational transactions, have to be undertaken by the institution, to make a visible impact on academic development as well as administration. At a time when our institution is expected to perform at par with our global partners, significant technological innovations have to be adopted by us. Traditional methods of delivering higher education have become less motivating to the large number of students who are basically from the rural area of Ahmednagar District. To keep pace with the developments in other spheres of human endeavor, our institution has to enrich the learning experiences among the students by providing them with State of the Art educational technologies. We know that the campus community must be adequately prepared to make use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) optimally. Conscious efforts are also taken by us to invest in hardware, and to orient the faculty suitably.
The institution is fully aware that using technology as learning resources, managing the activities of the institution in a technology-enabled way will ensure effective institutional functioning e.g. documentation and data management in the institutions day to day activities. It worthy to mention that our institution has taken the step by moving towards electronic data management and having institutional websites to provide ready and relevant information to stakeholders. In other words, effective use of ICT by the institution and its staff able to provide ICT literacy to the campus community, using ICT for resource sharing and networking, as well as adopting ICT-enabled administrative processes in The following are the efforts taken by institution in this regard –
• As mentioned herein above the information center is opened in 2004, the computer with Broad Band connectivity necessary software in the field of law are made available in it to the students.
• With a view to learn the use of information technology in law besides this the library of the college is computerized and the catalogue of the books made available on line to the students, which enable the student to have easy access.
• The reprographic facilities are also provided to the students in the library.
• The computers also made available in administrative office of the college with LAN and Net working facilities.
• Besides this the Bio-metric system is installed for maintaining the Record of Attendance of staff.
• In addition to this form the UGC grants under 11th plan our college installed C.C.T.V. Camera system to monitor the lectures, movement of the students and staff with object of effective administration of the college.
Quest for Excellence
In addition to contributing to nation-building and skill development of students, our institution also demonstrated a drive to develop themselves into centers of excellence. Excellence in all that they do, will contribute to the overall development of the country as a whole. This ‘Quest for Excellence’ starts by the establishment of the various committees for the preparation of plan of curricular and extra-curricular activities of an institution. Another step in this direction use to taken by our institution is the identification of the strengths and weaknesses in the teaching and learning processes
Our College always have quest for excellence. We established IQAC as directed by NAAC. The IQAC is use to co-ordinate curricular & co-curricular activities of the college to ensure quality education. The following are the efforts are worthy to mention in this regard –
• The college had devised its own mechanism to adopt and supervise the quality enhancing and sustaining modes like the IQAC Cell, Academic Calendar, Teaching plans, Appointment of academic co-coordinator, Maintenance of the academic diary Appointment of Student Welfare Officer, outreach programmes for inculcating social, environmental, cultural, economical, ethical and legal awareness through the Universal Human Value Programme.
• The management and principal always take keen interest in developing the college. The management always supports the activities financially which ensures the quality enhancement and sustenance.
• The state-of-art infrastructure, academic and administrative committees, value added courses, incentives to meritorious students and so on ensuring quest for the excellence.
• In addition to this extensive curricular, research and extension activities promoting national integration, values and the overall personality of the students.
• Our college is regularly organizing guest lectures of eminent jurists, professors, lawyers, judges of High Court, Social workers Beaurocrats and technocrats. Through these guest lectures the student given guidance and Knowledge which is essential for them in their professional life.
• Ours in the first Law College who introduce certificate course in Cyber Security in association with Intelligent Quotient Solutions Ltd, Pune, and Certificate Programme in Human Rights in association with YCMOU, Nashik.
• In search of quest of excellence recently our college entered into MoUs with –
(1) YCMOU, Nashik for conduct Certificate Programme in Human Rights,
(2) Nation of Law School of India University under which the student teacher exchange programme for Academic excellence is agreed upon.
Thus the five core values as outlined above form the foundation for realizing and conforming the goals and mission of the institution.